Sunday, March 28, 2010

Is Spring really coming?

Every year we have to deal with these nasty box elder bugs. It's not that I'm afraid of them or anything, they're just a nuissance!!! If I ddin't have to deal with these or morning glory in my yard, life would be much easier. Poor Hunter ends up eating a lot of the box elder bugs that come into the house!!! Anyone know how to get rid of these pests??? Thanks!

Disney on Ice

Ariel's Dress

Tiana's dress

Belle's dress

Sorry, I got a little behind with my blogging lately. A few weeks back , we went to Disney on Ice. I thought that Ian might like this one because it wasn't just had Cars too. He liked it but not as much as Hannah did. Unfortunately, my camera battery went out before I could get too many pics, but I got a few. These are mostly of Hannah/princess costumes.