Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Way Behind!

Cute eggs that Tom's mom made for our Easter Dinner!(Almost too cute to eat!)
Okay, so I fell way behind on my posts, so this one might be a little bit long! We had a nice Easter weekend....and so far Hannah still believes in the Easter Bunny. This year was the first that she wasn't sure. It makes me so sad because she's only in the second grade! But that girl is SMART, and figures things out pretty fast. I need her to slow down.....I want the magic to last a little bit longer!

Hunter got to eat the delicious bone from the ham....too bad he threw it all up the next day! Ughhh.

Dying eggs is a tradition....even if we don't eat them!

The Easter bunny left us some good surprises!

Ian has waited for soccer to start back up for ages, it seems! He was way excited to play again, and he's a good little player too! I volunteered Tom to be the coach this year, after they were pretty much begging people to do it!! (Wasn't that nice of me?)

Ian named the team the "Red Falcons" 

Coach Tom!!

Ian in Action!!!

My Cute Kiddos......some recent pics!
Princess Hadley

Hannah's new hair cut! (So cute!)

Ian playing with his favorite toy!! CARS!

"Puppy Sitting"

We got to tend a darling little pup.....and coincidentally it doesn't have an owner yet. He is the last one from the litter. I probably can't convince Tom to keep him, but he's such a little doll! They call him "Oreo"....bet ya can't guess why!!!