Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's true...I am PREGNANT!

Yes, we were trying to have a baby. We felt like we wanted to have just one more. It took awhile to want another one after having Ian, but I think we are ready. (I'm not sure if you are ever really ready.) Anyway, we have been trying since June, which for me was starting to take awhile because with Ian and Hannah it happened on the first or second try. I know four months is really not that long, but I'm glad it didn't take much longer. I feel so bad for the moms or moms- to- be out there who have problems conceiving and have to wait forever! That must be so hard and frustrating! We were actually going to stop trying because I didn't want to chance having a baby in the summer or early fall....I am already hot blooded as it is!!! I was actually just getting ready to do the HCG diet and had received the shots when I found out that I was expecting.....luckily, I have someone else who wants them! Hoepfully after the baby I will be ablet to do the diet because I am surely going to need it!!! (I have never weighed more than I do now except for the day I delivered!!!


Lacey said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting!

jen said...

YAY! I'm so happy for you guys! Congrats!

Ker-Dog and the gang said...

Wuhooo so excited for another beautiful Bryant baby. You two make cute kids! we need to chat sometime. The time difference is a pain!

Melinda said...

I love that we have all of our kids at the same time :) Congratulations!

dana liston said...

I am very happy for you and Tom. A new baby always brings so much excitement! Congrats.

Nathan and Dianna Wiley said...

Yeah! So excited for you, hope that all goes well! (and so glad mine is over with..hehehe)

Two Days said...

Oh congratulations! I'm excited for you to have another baby! We need to enjoy dinner together again soon!