Monday, December 7, 2009


Oaky, so I need some advice. We learned that we are having a little girl, and we are so excited! So the question is, what do we do about the kids' bedroom situation....Right now Ian and Hannah both have their own rooms. I am trying to decide if I should move them into the same room so that the baby will have her own nursery for ahwile, or if I should try to put the new baby in Hannah's room with her. Of course the baby will sleep at night for a couple of months in our room with us, but after that, I just don't know what to do. It's kind of nice for those long nights if the baby has thier own room, but then again, maybe I can just use the livingroom, etc.....Hannah is a pretty deep sleeper, which is good, but I don't think she would sleep through a fussy, crying baby. What does everyone else think I should do? What have you guys done? Any advice would be very helpful!! Thanks!