Monday, December 7, 2009


Oaky, so I need some advice. We learned that we are having a little girl, and we are so excited! So the question is, what do we do about the kids' bedroom situation....Right now Ian and Hannah both have their own rooms. I am trying to decide if I should move them into the same room so that the baby will have her own nursery for ahwile, or if I should try to put the new baby in Hannah's room with her. Of course the baby will sleep at night for a couple of months in our room with us, but after that, I just don't know what to do. It's kind of nice for those long nights if the baby has thier own room, but then again, maybe I can just use the livingroom, etc.....Hannah is a pretty deep sleeper, which is good, but I don't think she would sleep through a fussy, crying baby. What does everyone else think I should do? What have you guys done? Any advice would be very helpful!! Thanks!


Kaylynn said...

I would probably go for the baby in her own room. It is just nicer for naps and getting the baby to sleep and nights. It won't last forever that way. Carly is 19 months and she would love to share a room with a sister now.

dana liston said...

I wish I knew...I moved Eliza downstairs when Jack was born. She was almost three and banished to the basement. Aiden was too scared to move down and Eliza didn't know better. She did really well, it is nice to have the baby have a space of it's own.

Melinda said...

Congratulations! We need more girls in the family.

I think I'd keep her out of Hannah's room until she can sleep through the night. After that it shouldn't matter. I shared a room with my baby sister and it never bothered me.

Two Days said...

Ooh! I'm excited for you to have another girl! My brother and his wife opted to have the two older kids share a room and gave the baby his own room. Yeah, sometimes the other two talk and giggle too much so it takes a little bit to get them to go to sleep, but they don't have to worry about the baby waking up another child or a child waking up the baby.

Eric and Tracey said...

Congrats Kimber!! My vote is whatever you have the best space for - I put Christian in with Maiah (who was 4 at the time) and never had any problems for either of them - Maiah was always my best sleeper though - Good luck! You'll figure it out I'm sure - you know your kids best.