Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Way Behind!

Cute eggs that Tom's mom made for our Easter Dinner!(Almost too cute to eat!)
Okay, so I fell way behind on my posts, so this one might be a little bit long! We had a nice Easter weekend....and so far Hannah still believes in the Easter Bunny. This year was the first that she wasn't sure. It makes me so sad because she's only in the second grade! But that girl is SMART, and figures things out pretty fast. I need her to slow down.....I want the magic to last a little bit longer!

Hunter got to eat the delicious bone from the ham....too bad he threw it all up the next day! Ughhh.

Dying eggs is a tradition....even if we don't eat them!

The Easter bunny left us some good surprises!

Ian has waited for soccer to start back up for ages, it seems! He was way excited to play again, and he's a good little player too! I volunteered Tom to be the coach this year, after they were pretty much begging people to do it!! (Wasn't that nice of me?)

Ian named the team the "Red Falcons" 

Coach Tom!!

Ian in Action!!!

My Cute Kiddos......some recent pics!
Princess Hadley

Hannah's new hair cut! (So cute!)

Ian playing with his favorite toy!! CARS!

"Puppy Sitting"

We got to tend a darling little pup.....and coincidentally it doesn't have an owner yet. He is the last one from the litter. I probably can't convince Tom to keep him, but he's such a little doll! They call him "Oreo"....bet ya can't guess why!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I made a cute Easter banner this week with some friends.....in fact, I loved it so much that I made two of them! I think the idea came from Pinterest......love that site!!!

Kindergarten Field trip

This past week I helped chaperone Ian's kindergarten field trip to the Gateway Children's Museum. We went with 3 other kindergarten classes, and on a bus!! Luckily the "parent helpers" are only assigned to 4 or 5 kids to be responsible for! Ian's best buddy, Andrew, who's been sick with cancer, was able to go along. His smart kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Mumford, placed Ian and Andrew in the same group, which meant that Andrew's mom, Allison, was also with us.....that made it much easier. Also, we took our boys over to the Gateway mall for a quick bite to eat for lunch, which meant that I didn't have to ride the bus back to the school. (She and Andrew drove separately)  This was nice, seeing as how there was a sick child who was throwing up on the same ride home.......no thanks! Overall, it was a fun time, and the kiddos loved it!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring and other stuff

So, like many of you, we had a very rough winter!!! It was extremely COLD and SNOWY, and we hit new record lows. Our family also had a lot of illness this year. We managed to get the flu, even though we got flu shots. We, like many other families, are so excited for Spring!! We got some much needed nice weather this last week, and had a fun time playing outside and riding bikes! The kids were begging daddy to put up the tramp too, so he did! So excited for more nice weather to come our way!!!

GO Daddy!
It's like a brand new toy every Spring!
Hadley with her bubbles!

Watching cute "McKaylee," our friend's baby. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Here I am again!

Okay, so here goes. I haven't blogged in a long time...actually 3 years! I've been playing on Facebook more, and have realized that I'd rather spend more time blogging and actually keeping track of a record of our family's lives. (as boring as it may be). I used to be an avid journal writer growing up, but never find the time now with my young family to do it. This blog will be the closest thing to that for now, but I think it's important. I printed a blog book last time I did this, and it's fun to be able to look back and see those day to day occurrences and pictures. I want to be able to have that for my kids. I'm still going to be on Facebook, but not as much! I was also inspired to start up my blog again, after I read the book "Heaven is Here" by Stephanie Nelson. She's amazing, and has an amazing blog too! If you haven't checked it out, you should! Also, please let me know if you have an updated blog, or email address. I'm keeping my blog closed for now unless you have an invite. I deleted many of my friends' old blog links, as they were also very outdated! Thanks guys....