Yes, I have seen Twilight and want to see it again!!! A group of friends from my ward went Friday night (we weren't crazy enough to go to the midnight showing!) I really liked it a lot. I tried to get Tom to go with me the next day to see it again, but he wouldn't go!!! (he will eventually!) I borrowed the first Twilight book from my mother-in-law so that I can read it again...after seeing the movie, I want to read the books again! It's funny because I don't really like to read, but I really enjoyed these books a lot. I can't wait for the next movie!!!! (pics to come from our fun night soon.)
It sure is getting mixed reviews. I also liked it!!! I want to go see it again.
Hey! I'm glad you liked the movie, I loved it too!
Anyway, to make the words bigger, go to the "compose" screen while you are typing up your post and there are some "T"s that look big or small.. Just click that and chose whether you want normal, large, or largest. If you want just one word bigger than the rest then highlight that word and chose the size.. And as far as getting photo's from the internet like mine of the movie poster. I open a new window and google for example "twilight pictures" and then I chose which picture I like. Then right click on the picture and I save it in my photo files. That way when you go back into your post and want to add a picture, you browse the file that you added it to and it should open it without waiting for too long, its much faster to add pictures from the internet as opposed to my regular family pic's. Hope this helps! Let me know!
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