Monday, May 24, 2010

Hadley is here!!!

Last Monday, May 17th, our little Hadley was born at 10:11 pm. She weighed 6 lbs 15 oz and was 20 inches long. She is such a good baby. Almost too good...she sleeps way too much! We need her to be awake more so that we can spend more time with her! I'm so happy to not be pregnant anymore! Wahoo! Isn't she a cutie?


dana liston said...

she is so cute! I loved holding her on Saturday, you just have to love a cuddely newborn. It was fun seeing's been too long.

jen said...

She is precious! Congrats! I'd love to stop by sometime and see her in person.

sorichfamily said...

she is just adorable! congratulations!! i hope that it is going well being the mom of 3 and that you are enjoying every minute! love ya!

Lacey said...

Look at all that hair! She's a doll! Congrats!

Melinda said...

Can't wait to see her :)