Sunday, July 25, 2010

Recent Pics with our baby Girl

Wow! Life got really crazy after Hadley arrived. I forgot how much things change with the birth of a new baby. I had all of these things planned for the summer while I had work off and didn't get ONE thing accomplished!!! Oh well, such is my life! I have a lot of pics to post, but since it takes so long to upload on blogger, here are just a few recent pics with Hadley. I am off to work again in a week!!! Arghhhhhh!!!


Bridget said...

What a cutie!

dana liston said...

she's a doll! and a lot bigger then when I saw her last. Have you seen Lex's new baby yet? He's a cutie!

Ker-Dog and the gang said...

I can't believe she is already 2 months old! You're kids are the cutest!