Friday, September 12, 2008


Well, I'm having one of those frustrating days...I work 3 days a week, and so the 2 weekdays that I am home, I feel like there is not enogh time for anything! The days I am home seem like the most stressful..more than when I am at work! I feel like I can't devote all the time that I should to my kids, because I am also trying to get errands and chores done. It is very hard to get chores done on the weekends too, because Tom works graveyard shifts, and is usually pretty tired and needs to sleep. (although I would need a lot more sleep than he does if I were doing the same shift!) Last week, Tom was sleeping, and I was trying to do some organizing...the next thing I know, Hannah is yelling, "Mommy, Ian has blood all over his hands!" Sure enough, he had gone into the bathroom where Tom had left his razor out, and was playing with it!! UGhhhhhh!!!! Ian had quite the cut on his finger, but luckily it is healing fast!

Tom worked last night, so today I have been trying to do some outside chores. Once again, I felt guilty because I should have spent more time with the kids...I was out in the yard pulling crap out of the shed in order to reorganize things for the winter. I was putting away summer toys, taking down our swing, pulling old pools out of the shed, etc..just trying to get ready for the winter. Then I tried to haul a huge garbage can full of bark and weeds to the car, to take it to the dump!! I the meantime, the kids are alone in the house, and of course, woke Tom up. Then I tired to make him help me load the car for the has just been a frustrating day! Sorry to vent! Tom does a lot to help me out, esp on the days that I am at work. He usually always has dinner ready when I get home, and the house picked up. He is really good that way, and is such a good daddy! Just frustrating to try and get all of the things done that need to be!

Anyway, I just have to talk about Hannah for a minute. SHe told me today that my nose is big and long...I've always been self conscious about my nose, and we all know that kids don't lie!! I have got to start saving my money to get a nose job!!! As some people know, Hannah is our little princess! She really thinks she is a princess. Belle is her favorite, although she loves all of them. Each night in her prayers, she names off almost all of them..Gee, what about the rest of us?? Just kidding! Some nights, she also throws us in for kicks!! I have been working on making her room into a princess room. It is a bit much, but she really likes it. I have included some pics here for your viewing! We're not done quite yet, but getting close.. by the way, the TV was given to her by her grandma, not us! Have a super duper day!


Bridget said...

Looks like a room, fit for a princess! It sounds like you need a girls night. We were thinking the last Saturday in September. I will be sending an email. I just a had brain cramp about it.

The Kroebers said...

Kim, I feel your pain. I don't work and I still struggle to find the right balance of kid time and house work and self time and husband time. Let me know if you ever find a solution. Heather

jen said...

Just the other day one of my friends that does it all like you posted the same thing about feeling guilty. We all feel guilty about not giving our kids attention whether we work or not- It's just part of being a parent. Just yesterday I was thinking how I need to prune the rose bushes, weed, decorate for fall, bottle stuff from my garden, swich out summer clothes for fall clothes, clean the garage, oh and do the regular stuff like give the kids attention, make breakfast lunch and dinner, give my husband lots of attention (because after watching Oprah her guest said husbands cheat if you don't give them attention), bath kids, & blah blah blah lots of other stuff. I realized that holy cow my mom sure did do a lot & I now appreciate all that she did. Being a parent and an adult does not allow for a lot of chill time. Good Luck to ya! Melanie & Nikki are coming over on Wednesday the 24th in the afternoon. I'll send an email out to other Stansbury friends. Come and relax! Also, this is the longest comment I've EVER left anyone. You should feel special:). Hannah's room is SO dang CUTE! You've always been a good decorator!!!!!

the letter "J" said...

cute room! claire would love a princess room like that! :o)

bv said...

You're way too hard on yourself, Kimber! Ease do a great job. Your family is darling and I hope we can get together this week!