Monday, April 6, 2009


So first of all, I apologize that I haven't updated my blog for a while. I am actually considering not doing it anymore because I don't seem to have the time, and I don't think that too many people actually read it. A big part of doing this, is so that my relatives and parents can see what's going on with the kids, etc..and my mom never even looks at it! She complains that she doesn't see the kids often enough, but doesn't look at the blog...go figure! Anyway, sorry if you don't see updates on here often or if you don't see me checking your blogs out often enough! I promise I will when I get the time!!! Aghhhhhh!! ( It doesn't help that the only thing I have wanted to do this past winter is SLEEP. It has been a rough season!)

1 comment:

Ker-Dog and the gang said...

You CAN'T stop blogging. It's the only way I can see those babies grow up. I love your blog.