Monday, December 29, 2008


Every year these guys build something cool in their yard out of the snow. Last year they built Shrek and Donkey. This year they built Sanda with Rudolph! I have no idea how they do this, or what they use for the color! These are HUGE too!

Santa came to visit us at Grandma's house!
The kiddos enjoying their Christmas! (in a big mess)

Yes, Hunter got to open some presents too!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The USB port is not working on my computer, but hopefully I will get some cute Christmas pics up soon!! Hope you all had a GREAT Christmas!!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Thank you, Dana for the awesome blog award. I am still pretty new to blogging, but I really like it a lot. I wish I had more time to devote to it, but life is so busy...and between the blog and facebook, well, I spend way to much time on the computer! I love seeing what other people are doing, and hearing what thier kids are doing! (it makes me feel okay about mine!) So now I am choosing 7 other blogs that I enjoy reading. If your name makes the list, then you thank me for sending it to you and then make a list of 7 blogs that you really enjoy. There is a picture of the best blog award that you can paste if it works, and I get it on my blog. (I can't seem to figure it out!) Here are my 7
Kel and Whit

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Well, not really, but I did a stupid thing! I was warming up some soup on our flat top stove...and I turned on the wrong burner by mistake...and we keep a stack of papers, mail, our cell phones, the stove on the counter. Some papers were on the stove, and before I knew it, it had caught fire! At first I thought something was melting in the dishwasher, until I turned around and saw a fire on the stove! It burnt some papers, melted our cell phone charger cord, and oh, it melted Tom's cell phone!! I know, so stupid....I felt really bad for ruining Tom's phone, but he was cool about it. Needless to say, he got a new one today! Sorry, babe! Here are a couple of pics from the "accident."

Bat Boy!

Ian found a mask in the store the other day that he loved. Tom said that people were laughting because Ian was wearing the mask all throughout the store. I really is a cute maks, and one that he can actually breathe in....Check out our Bat Boy!


Hunter is so excited for Chrismas! He LOVES to open presents just as much as anyone else does. It has been hard wrapping presents this year, because he sits in front of me and tries to open them while I am trying to wrap them! Silly dog....I finally just wrapped one especially for him and put it under the tree. Of course, he immediately grabbed it and went to town ripping it open! Now Hannah thinks she can open a present early! Don't think so, Hannah....

Sunday, December 7, 2008

For Nana and Papa

Tom and John "papa" on the log ride!
Nana with Ian at the Toad Ride
Nana and Hannah

I have been a slacker and didn't realize that I haven't included any pics of the kids with Tom's parents. We take advantage that they live closer, and I don't remember to bring the camera when we visit. I am truely sorry and will try and do better! In the meantime, here are a couple of pics that were taken a few months ago!

Temple Square

Last night we met my grandpa for dinner at the Garden in the Joseph Smith building, and looked at the lights on temple square. My grandpa also brought his girlfriend, Elaine, and her grand-daughter, Melanie. It was so fun and good to chat with everyone. Thanks again for dinner, grandpa! (my camera's batteries were dead, of course) I wish I could have taken some pics...I have missed some good photo opps lately. I'm still not used to taking my camera with me everywhere I go!
I was explaining to Hannah last night, the real reason for Christmas. I told her that Jesus died for us, and took away all of the bad things that we do. She then replied, "Well, Trevor put his toys in the wrong bin, and now Jesus is going to die!!". Trevor is a little boy that is in her preschool was just so funny the way she said it. The kids are so excited for Christmas this year. They had stomach flu last year on Christmas, so they weren't that excited. Hopefully we won't be sick this year, esp with stomach flu!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

So cute!

SO last night while we were at the Festival of Trees, Hannah said something so cute. She was having her nails painted, and the lady who was doing it said to her, "wow, you have such pretty eyes, where did you get those from?"....and Hannah's cute reply was, "FROM JESUS!!" I think she is right because neither Tom nor myself have such blue, beautiful eyes like hers!!!
We have been trying for quite awhile now to get Ian to say his name. For some reason, he won't say it. Usually when we ask him what his name is, he says, "ummm, Hannah!" I think he's known for quite some time now how to say it, he just won't. Lately we have been trying to get him to say his name by asking him to say "E" "UN". He is finally saying his name now, but when you ask him what it is, he will say "E--UN". Too cute!! Ian's favorite song right now is "Shake It." THis has been his favorite song for quite awhile now, and we are pretty sick of it....but as long as Ian likes it, we will continue to put up with it! Kids are so cute sometimes! I love it!

Spread some Christmas Cheer

I'm so mad because tonight I went to dinner with some friends, but forgot to take my camera with me. Also, we went to the Festival of Trees last night with Tom's parents, and of course, I forgot my camera! I have kind of been a slacker at blogging lately.
Last weekend, I put my Chrismas decorations up. I have to admit that I HATE putting up the decorations....I LOVE them once they are up, but I hate doing it. Usually I am a nervous wreck, trying to keep the kids out of the boxes, and keeping them from breaking everything. Also, my house is always a HUGE mess while I am doing it too...boxes and lights everywhere....I am in such a bad mood while I am trying to decorate for CHristmas!! I am enjoying ALL of it now, though....just so you know!
Here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure....