Sunday, December 14, 2008


Thank you, Dana for the awesome blog award. I am still pretty new to blogging, but I really like it a lot. I wish I had more time to devote to it, but life is so busy...and between the blog and facebook, well, I spend way to much time on the computer! I love seeing what other people are doing, and hearing what thier kids are doing! (it makes me feel okay about mine!) So now I am choosing 7 other blogs that I enjoy reading. If your name makes the list, then you thank me for sending it to you and then make a list of 7 blogs that you really enjoy. There is a picture of the best blog award that you can paste if it works, and I get it on my blog. (I can't seem to figure it out!) Here are my 7
Kel and Whit

1 comment:

jen said...

Why thank you Kim for the award. I'll post it on my blog in the morning. Right now I'm off to bed w/ a headache. Why am I on the computer with a dang headache. My computer addiction is ridiculous!